3 Ways to Discover and Reconnect With Your Purpose

3 Ways to Discover and Reconnect With Your Purpose

Purpose. We hear the word often, but what does it mean for you? Many of us feel that finding our life purpose will cause everything to come into alignment and we will be truly happy. Even Mark Twain has a famous quote: “The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” Don’t you think it is time to connect into your “why?”

Here are three techniques that I have used to discover and reconnect to my own purpose (and would love to hear how they work for you!)

1. Journaling. Free journaling allows your deeper thoughts to come through. When seeking your purpose, try journaling in the following way:

  • Highlight times in your life where you felt you made a major contribution.
  • Make a list of compliments you have received and identify the pattern in those compliments – Were they along the same lines? Did they resonate? Why?
  • Reflect on what comes easily to you. What feels most natural?

2. Meditation. After journaling, shift into a meditation. I enjoy meditating with ocean waves (theta waves are great!) as this allows for a deeper meditation. In my practice, I set the intention to connect in with my best self (Here’s a meditation that guides you to connect with your best self.)

3. Ask others. Take the time to ask others what they think you are good at. Ask trusted sources who will be honest. In my conversations, I have asked these questions:

  • Where do you feel that I shine? In what environments? What has been going on in my life at that time?
  • What benefit(s) do you think I bring to this world?
  • How have I impacted your life?

These questions will allow for an honest conversation and a deeper connection with the person as well.

If you want to dig deeper into your purpose, download our complimentary Worksheet for Identifying Your Interests, Values, and Strengths, which will give you more insight into how you can bring your life more into alignment with what brings you meaning.

Your words may be your last

It was 5 years ago today I saw Taranveer, my brother for the last time. As I reflect back to those moments, my heart just wanted to give him so much love where my soul told me to let go. I remember touching his head as a proud loving older sister would have even though I had just finished yelling at him – yes that is the relationships of siblings.

The words I said harshly popped into my head over time the last few years at first I felt shameful and guilty but over time I realized that this was a wonderful lesson, I know my words can be harsh so I need to be careful with how I say them and in what context.

Communication is a key attribute of any relationship. I know that I can communicate my feelings well through written words rather than in person which is why I had apologized to him and he apologized to me on the phone first and then through text message.

We both knew that we needed to heal whatever was said as he was going on a journey – we did not know that his journey was going to be one of leaving his human body.

We are all on a journey so words will be said, actions will be done but it is important to remember what is the feeling that you truly feel for that person. If we are speaking from the heart then the words are softer. When we speak from the ego, the words are harsher.

The conversations of truth and understanding each other are very important. It is important to express what is going on so that others can lessen their judgements of you but maybe they won’t. That is why it is important to choose what you are sharing and with whom.

Even if your words are meant to be of love and understanding, others have their own filters so it is important to remember how you intend to say something is not how it may land. Therefore listen to what they have to say.

I wish I had listened more that day to understand what his reasons were and what he was trying to tell me but my ego was speaking.

Now when I know my words are from my ego, I take a breath so I can listen with my heart. The heart wants to hear others through the love you have for them.

Are you leaving conversations with words from your heart? If not, maybe it is time to listen from your heart. This applies in all relationships whether be it at work or personal as human relationships are relationships.

Regrets? (how to move forward)

Looking back. Regrets. Moving forward.

How often are you looking back at life and thinking “what if?”
What if you had made a decision to stay?
What if you had taken the other job?
What if you hadn’t moved?
What if… {fill in the blank}?

It is one of those things that we all ponder. Would our lives really have been different if we hadn’t made that decision? Would our lives have been different if we had taken a different action? Would we be happier?

The past is the past. It has happened already. Newsflash…it doesn’t affect your present or your future. Each morning you wake up, you start with a blank slate. It is really your decision as to what you want to create each and every moment.

If you live in the past and the what if’s, you will stay stuck.

How comfortable are you being stuck? What is the pain giving you? Is it giving you a sense of peace that you survived? Is it giving you a sense of satisfaction that you are messed up as everyone else around you? Is it allowing you to fit in when other’s are complaining?

Well what if that isn’t serving you anymore? What if, you are ready to thrive and soar? You have the right to start your life over and over again each and every day. It is about taking a few moments at the end of the day to forgive for any where you have wronged someone or they have wronged you, it is about being grateful for everything you have and acknowledging how you are special and showed up by being you.

Start each morning with intentions of how you want your day. That is where the strength in spiritual practice is…starting life over, over and over again each and every day.

This ties into how you show up in every area of your life. If you show up in a place of feeling light and free, you will soar and thrive in all areas.

Are you ready to thrive and soar?

If you are wanting extra support on this area, please contact me for the summer coaching offer to support and elevate you. 

Love and light,

Life happens for us

Deep thoughts by Manpreet
It has been a whirlwind life in a the past few years as everything has turned upside down and inside out including myself. I changed as a person where I brought back aspects of how I was as a child, became more aware of what aspects of my personality weren’t working for me and how I could change them.
Relationships changed. Someone people came into my life and some people moved to different circles. Lost some beautiful souls and gained others.
Financially life changed. Became innovative with how income was generated and the Focus shifted from money to how can I contribute and sometimes I would falter and focus on money. Then I would be in scarcity so I moved back to contribution.
I used the opportunity of social media to shift how people viewed death and grieving. I learned a lot from others.
I felt like an imposter and fraud at times but then would be reminded by amazing clients of how I impacted their lives for the better just through coaching or a seminar or a resource.
What I learned from all this is trust, have faith and do things even if they don’t make sense. If you feel called to something do it and if you don’t feel called ask yourself is it resistance or is it not for me.
I embodied the energy that life happens for us and it really does. Each person we meet and each situation we create are all happening for us.
I felt the need to share that what life looks like to others is maybe not what is happening for the other person or not how they perceive their life. Sometimes we just need to acknowledge in that moment that the person is reaching out in someway for their happiness or a teaching moment or maybe it’s validation or acceptance in some way.
Many times what we teach is what we don’t do ourselves but that doesn’t make us any less of expert. It just shows us that we need to focus on ourselves first then others so you can lead by example.
I have been coaching for over 6 years and it has been such a push pull relationship – a pattern very common in my life. I love it and hate it but it wasn’t until earlier this year when the realization came that if I let go of the struggle then I really can be happy. When we are meant to do something we may resist it as we have preconceived notions of where life was supposed to take us. I didn’t realize I knew how to help businesses with how to do marketing strategy as well as human resources until this year even though for years I have been overseeing and developing marketing strategies.
It wasn’t until a few months ago I realized I built a consulting firm focusing on coaching, leadership, human resources, marketing and events. I built it without even knowing it. I had registered the name Manpreet Dhillon Consulting Group but didn’t know what it meant at that time. My vision was different and now it has grown to serve pan-cultural individuals to be successful business owners and have amazing careers while helping businesses grow through HR and marketing services especially focusing on diversity, community and engagement. Now I will be serving more professional women who are in transitions in their careers through job services, mentoring, networking and other programs while balancing family and cultural obligations and their individual desires.
As a business coach, I would cringe as the plans and growth were changing too often but I see that how I grow my business grows.
So in summary, follow your heart, grow as an individual so you can help others grow and let life happen for you.


Attention Smart Successful Women: 3 Surprising Reasons You’re Still Single and What You Can Do About It

Attention Smart Successful Women: 3 Surprising Reasons You’re Still Single and What You Can Do About It

Attention Smart Successful Women:

3 Surprising Reasons You’re Still Single and What You Can Do About It

by Kathleen Graham, The Love Magnet Mentor

This is me with my husband David. We were married this April in a dreamy destination wedding in the Caribbean. I am incredibly blessed to have him!! He is a powerful, amazing man who cherishes and loves me deeply. We have an extraordinary connection and I know he is my soul’s true match. We laugh, we play, we cry, and we grow together. It’s a wildly magical adventure and I’m so lucky to have called him into my life. kathleen


But it wasn’t always like this …. I had horrible luck in love and was chronically single until I was 33! It was very frustrating and confusing for me. I knew I was a great catch. I was a smart, ambitious, passionate and loving woman. I had a lot to offer.  I wondered what I was doing wrong and why no one wanted me to be theirs. I attracted all the wrong men: unavailable, uninteresting, insensitive, flaky, noncommittal, not on my level (like, at all!).. you name it, I went on dates with them. And they usually didn’t call afterwards, which was equally heartbreaking. It was exhausting and I often doubted if my soul’s true match even existed. It was really hard to stay hopeful with my disastrous track record.

And then I discovered some things. It was about this time I got exposed to Tony Robbins and he was talking about relationships. Specifically masculine and feminine energies and attraction principles. It was all new to me and completely blew my mind. A light bulb went off in my head. Whoa. I got it. I had developed habits, from a very young age of being a self-directed, headstrong young girl that were all masculine. I was driven. Incredibly focused. An amazing problem solver. I could get things done and figured out very quickly. I was adept at cutting through nonsense to the truth of what was really going on.. like, let’s get to the point… with friends and co-workers. I loved to simplify. I liked to “hunt”,  whether for a man online or the right blouse at the store. All masculine. Fantastic for success in my career and making things happen, but terrible for my love life! Turns out I was using little to no feminine energy. No wonder I wasn’t attracting a strong powerful masculine man, the type my heart truly longed for. I had a ton of blind spots unconsciously sabotaging what I truly wanted!

So I set aside my love life and set about discovering my femininity, which was really foreign! I spent years getting to know what it meant and how to “be” this way. In doing so, I stumbled upon a wildly empowering solution to my single girl woes. As I made the shifts in my energy and my thinking, I changed. I became the woman I’d always been born to be: my most authentic self. This was clearly very attractive to amazing men, who started to show up left and right! It was this shift in myself that allowed me to attract my phenomenal husband.

Now I share these strategies with smart successful women everywhere and help them find their powerful, masculine man.

What I see out there when I talk with single, really amazing, driven women all over the country is that there are very clear commonalities. I discovered 3 habits/ways of thinking that are keeping them stuck in a pattern of being single, lonely and unfulfilled. Just like I was.

  1. Thinking there’s something wrong with you

There’s a small part of you inside that secretly wonders “Why hasn’t love happened for me yet? Am I broken or something?”. And as a result-oriented woman, you are quick to do some digging to determine what needs to change and then get to work “fixing” yourself. So being single, of course, gives you much needed time to work on yourself.

The problem with thinking like this is that you fall into the high-quality-man-repelling-cycle of not feeling good enough, at the unconscious and most important level. The unconscious is crazy important because it controls what you attract into your life! Your energy becomes one of not being enough. Your personal signal that you are sending out to the world is “I’m not enough and I’m not worthy of love right now.” And guess what that attracts? Nothing! It keeps you closed off from love. You REPEL exactly what you seek.

2 things happen Once you stop making this mistake:

1) You begin to relax, which allows your more open, magnetic feminine energy to awaken. Your feminine energy is critical for attracting a powerful masculine man who can match you.

2) You open up your capacity to start truly loving yourself: just as you are. You are a powerful woman and it’s time to fully own that. And when you love yourself, it shows: it turns you into a LOVE Magnet!


  1. Always controlling everything

You are a strong independent woman. You know exactly what you want, what you like and don’t like. You are self sufficient. You have gotten really comfortable making decisions and being in control of your life. You aren’t sure about how it’s going to work in a relationship? Is your man supposed to lead you? You definitely don’t want to be disempowered or lose your voice, but you know you want a real man who can match you. This can be confusing.

When you are in the habit of wearing this ‘controlling energy’ all the time or what I call the ‘I’ve got this’ syndrome, your energy becomes closed off. This leaves no room to receive anyone into your life and immediately puts a wall up between you and your powerful man. This energy tends to attract the type of men who are gentler and more “feminine”. While it may be exciting in the beginning, it will inevitably become draining, passionless and unfulfilling because the energies are reversed. He is running the feminine energy and you are running the masculine energy. You won’t fully trust him, will resent him for not stepping up and be confused and question if there are any “Real Men” out there.

This is the ultimate pain because as a strong woman, you especially need a strong man who matches you. You must feel his strength, solidity, and that he can handle you.  

When you become less controlling, it turns on your feminine receptivity which is very attractive to powerful masculine men. This is the energetic match where hot, passionate, fulfilling relationships become possible! For lasting passion, you must have a man connected to his masculine and a woman connected to her feminine – this polarity is what creates the spark!

  1. Doubting there’s a man out there who can match and love you (and wondering if you should lower your standards)

You are a smart, driven woman. You have vision. You are inspired to live an extraordinary life and not settle for less than your dreams. Is there a guy out there who could possibly match you and grow with you? You have consistently been disappointed by men  so you have serious doubts about what’s possible, and honestly it feel like there’s such a tiny pool of great men out there!

So you have started considering “less than” men, considered giving guys a chance that aren’t as evolved or as successful as you. Or when you meet amazing powerful men, you bend or reduce yourself to fit who you think they want you to be or to avoid being intimidating. You’ll be funny, easygoing, flexible. Definitely not too emotional or demanding, because you don’t want to be “That Girl”.

When you aren’t fully authentic with men, you suppress who you really are. When you hide parts of yourself, like your vulnerability and fears, it actually does the opposite of what you want. It creates distance. It pushes men away and prevents intimacy. When you stifle yourself it is a turn off for powerful men because you are being inauthentic and they can’t feel you. This is a pattern where you end up hurt, sad and pissed off that you can’t seem to find the good men.

It’s time to start to own all of who you are, be fully authentic, and trust that your guy will love ALL of you.

When you allow yourself to reveal your imperfections and stop hiding them, you open up the possibility for exquisite intimacy. When you let yourself speak up, say how you really feel and let your emotions come through this allows men to see and truly feel you. it creates the space for you to magnetize your soul’s true match into your life: the man who is designed to love all of you! Powerful men respect a woman who speaks her mind, allows her vulnerabilities to be fully visible, who leads with her heart and isn’t afraid to be seen.

What’s Next?

If this feels all too familiar to you then you’re in the right place. You’re not alone and there is something you can do about it, right now. You don’t want to miss my upcoming webinar where I reveal so much more, including what it really takes to find and keep an amazing man…

“Attract Your Powerful Man” Webinar  Get FREE access now


About the Author

Kathleen Graham is the creator of Wild Woman in Love. She is joyfully married to the love of her life, David, and they currently live in Connecticut. She shows successful women how to be a magnet for love so they can attract and keep a powerful man who cherishes and fulfills them. Her clients have experienced the deep satisfaction of attracting amazing men, thanks to the strategies she teaches.

To learn more, visit Kathleen’s site here

Are you Sabotaging Yourself?

You know where you want to go and what you want to achieve. The intentions are correct, you take the actions but for some reason things are just not working out.

What is it? Your frustrated and your thinking what the f**k!
I am attending my mastermind right now in Redondo Beach. This mastermind is a group of high achievers who invest at a high levels in themselves. They know that as they grow their personal power we are able to help more people and live more of our purpose. I am learning new ways to help my clients who are growing their businesses and I am loving it!
As I was enjoying the views during my waking meditation, I remembered a time where I had sabotaged myself and my plans unknowingly.  It was a few years ago. I was looking for a promotion as I knew I was ready to impact the organization more. I had talked to the right people and I had their support to out my name forward. I prepared my cover letter and resume. I researched current trends and had other people look it over. Everything looked like it was in my favour.
I had the resources, I set my intentions, I did the best job possible that I could do so I submitted my application. I was so happy I had taken this step. This feeling lasted until I talked to my coach. As I was telling her my excitement for this position. She asked me a question “what projects and skills did you highlight that is specific to the position? My heart sank, I had left out an important project that was applicable to this position. On your resume we don’t put everything we do but we do highlight those that pertain to the position. How could I have forgotten? I started beating myself up over it. I felt like a failure and the voice started “Manpreet? Why don’t you pay attention? You aren’t good at details…blah blah and I just felt like crap.
I had sabotaged myself subconsciously. A part of me didn’t feel worthy of the position therefore I did something that would prove that to myself. I needed to come to a place of a complete compassion for myself and look at where else I was sabotaging my success. As I talked it through with my coach, I was able to forgive myself. {I did get the job in the end}.
Where are you sabotaging yourself? Where do you not feel worthy of growing your business or getting the next promotion? What can you do to change the situation?
Over the next few weeks we will be looking at patterns and beliefs in our subconscious and how they are impacting different aspects of our lives. Are you sabotaging yourself in relationships or in your confidence or in career and your money? 
