Thank you for an impactful 2020

Thank you for an impactful 2020

Dear Veza Global Supporters,

It is important to set the goals, reflect and express gratitude where needed. I wanted to take this time to express my gratitude for all your support this past year. 2020 has been a year of learnings, growth, challenges, awarenesses and impact. For those within the Veza community, many of you have been great supporters in many ways. Our team at Veza, rose to the challenge when the lockdown’s happened, the anti-Asian racism increased, George Floyd was murdered and the #blacklivesmatter movement gained a second wind. We rose through supporting our colleagues through directing individuals in need to the right organizations who had stepped up. We ourselves, took a backseat while we funneled equity, diversity and inclusion work to other disproportionately represented groups who specialized in supporting Black, Indigenous and Anti-Racism. We knew for ourselves that was the right thing to do as it is a marathon, not a sprint. We wanted to remind you all too, exactly that – the work you do is a marathon, not a sprint so the impact you want to make will happen. 

We were able to contribute to the conversation and our impact through having the conversations, speaking at workshops/panels, and educating ourselves on how to be better and do better. Through our own audits, advisory, training work, we were able to bring economic empowerment to disproportionately represented groups by impacting 500,000 people in 2020. We thank you for your continued support in sharing our services so that we could create this impact. 

In this last year, we have had a number of memorable highlights that kept us going. We relaunched the ASCEND program for skilled immigrants with the Immigrant Employers Council of BC. 

We worked in partnership with HR Tech Group to create a Diversity and Inclusion Hub of curated over 300 equity, diversity and inclusion resources. Through this partnership, we audited various tech companies to help them understand where they are on their EDI journey and their path forward. 

Our team created a number of resources to help individuals and organizations to be more inclusive.

We worked closely with the Women’s Enterprise Centre Team to support immigrant women entrepreneurs in the province in terms of peer mentoring, funding and resources. 

We had the privilege of working with Community Future’s Entrepreneurs with Disabilities program and coached a few of their entrepreneurs on their business ideas. 

We worked with some outstanding individuals who are so committed to creating inclusive cultures in various industries from not for profit, tech, real estate, restaurant, government and law enforcement.

What to look forward to in 2021

In the upcoming year, we are looking forward to continuing our equity, diversity and inclusion work and impact. We have some exciting new announcements of programs coming out this year. 

Thank you to each of you for helping us make the impact that we are working to make. There are so many people to thank for this journey, each of them contributed in their own way. 




It was a historic day, August 26th, 2020

It was a historic day, August 26th, 2020

It was a historic day, August 26th, 2020. It is days like this that the energetic shift in the world is felt. Where the butterfly effect becomes apparent where we know that one action can have a ripple effect in other parts of the country and the world. It was the day that we saw individuals that millions look up to take a stand to create change in the world. It was the day we saw games in the NBA, WNBA, MLS and MLB canceled as the players felt more needed to be done in the #blacklivesmatter revolution. 

This day showed us that a decision, an action, taking a stand can matter. It doesn’t matter the size of your platform, you can still create change. You do have a responsibility if you do have a platform to create change. 

Over the last few months, I have heard clients tell me that their employees said that the black lives matter movement had no place in their business while others called out their leaders and team members for not doing enough. 

This is time to know we all have a part to play in doing something. We all have a part to take action as it is a human issue, not a political issue. Humans are being killed because they are being profiled, they are being judged for their exterior, someone is forgetting that the blood that runs through the veins of the victim is the same color as the blood that runs through the veins of the murderer. 

I grew up with the uttermost respect for authority as that is what I was taught. People with authority included those in uniform or positions of power. Time and time again, we hear where people are abusing their power. It is not each of them. There are many of them who are keeping the communities safe. Many of them are doing the best that they can. The issue is the ones who have a hatred for another group of people, those are the ones I am talking about. That hatred is then passed along to their children, their neighbors and their friends. Hatred spreads the same as love. It can be a poison that is fed on fear of the unknown, the fear of someone being different, the fear of feeling out of control. 

This same hatred and fear shows up in our workplaces, in the bias that are held, the unequal power structures and systemic oppression. The solution to this fear and hatred is multi-faceted. It is education. It is the awareness. It is acknowledging and calling out when something or someone is violating the human rights of another. It is creating systemic change in how we challenge the economic structures that further create inequality. It is bringing justice in the name of those who can not fight for themselves. It is showing up each day to do better and be better. 

What I am saying has all been said before. I know. I just hope that through reading this one person will realize that there is room for improvement in their own lives. That they can educate themselves on how they may be perpetuating racism or where their bias is when it comes to who they interact with, hire, and promote. That they realize they have a voice that they can use to speak up for those who can not speak up for themselves. That they realize that they can give an opportunity that does not exist for someone else as they would never have access to it. These changes are what will bring justice, and make August 26th a day where the ripple effect was felt for generations in the future. 

Supporting the emotions of team members of cultural backgrounds

Some of your team members from cultural backgrounds may be experiencing an added layer of emotion as they may remember past experiences or ancestral experiences. As manager, you can support them in a few different ways as listed in the video.

If you are interested in exploring what else you can do for your team right now, we can schedule a complimentary call to support you. Please schedule it here: https://bit.ly/3bUiNGo.

Supporting diverse populations

In these uncertain times, my thoughts have been with the populations that I have been working to support for the last few years – those from the underrepresented groups. Usually I am focused on the equality of pay for people of color, however we spend a lot of time working with organizations on hiring people who are newcomers, people with disabilities and Indigenous that I can’t help to think about how we can help them. I need your help to do that. 

These individuals are usually the ones who are already struggling to find meaningful employment and many times close to the poverty line (26% -33% of those in poverty are immigrant and Indigenous women). Times where there are so many layoffs and companies are impacted financially, these individuals are some of the first who will be losing their jobs. 

Here are a few strategies that I am thinking about. I would love to hear your thoughts on how to support these individuals further:

For companies, who haven’t laid people off yet, strategize with your team on what is possible. Are there opportunities available to the company right now that were not available before? Is there another way to decrease expenses while keeping team members employed? 

Donate locally. Many of these individuals will be accessing the Adopt a school program and the Food bank. Please give to local organizations like the food programs or women’s shelters or other programs (please comment with suggestions below).

Gather resources in your community. Is there a place on your street or in your cul-de-sac where food can be left that people can access without having to ask for it (this is a total out of the box idea but think big people)?

As a company, give relief to your customers if possible. It will help with their cash flow and stress.

Set up a call with someone outside of your immediate circle and just connect. Connection can be what gives someone hope that they are not alone. 

I would love to hear your suggestions and ideas on how we can support these individuals.
