
When you are making organizational cultural shifts with systemic change steeped deep in equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging, you require a budget line to go along with it. As with HR, EDIB is not meant to be an expense item but rather an investment and an asset for the organization.

EDIB budgets need line items for the following (it is not exhaustive):

  •  Staff
  • A manager and coordinator, depending on the size of the organization
  • Training budget
  • Some of this needs to be controlled by this team while team-based training is a part of the team budget
  • Gift cards/gifts for participation in activities
  • Honorarium amounts for the EDIB committee
  • Resources
  • Creating a resource that is accessible to staff for their ongoing learning
  • Event budgets to host speakers and dialogues 

We would love to know what you include in your EDIB budget!
