
Free video training: Create your ideal 3 year vision

In this free training: “Create your ideal 3 year vision,” you will

  • understand manifesting
  • 3 reasons why you don’t have everything you want
  • Create your vision
  • Understand your blocks to the vision
  • Create an action plan
  • Create an accountability plan

Feel free to email your vision and plans so I can support you on the journey as well.


I skipped an activity and then what happened

As you know I am doing a 30 day challenge for blogging, exercising and meditating. Well Day 4 comes along and I got thrown off track. I didn’t exercise for the 30 minutes I was supposed to. I got caught up in the day, was running late and then got so engrossed in my work that I never got to it.

At first I almost skipped today’s workout because I already messed up the 30 days. That would have been the easy way to do it.

Then I asked myself the question “Why am I doing this challenge?”

Once I got in touch with my answer, I changed into my workout clothes and decided that today I would need to do an hour to make up for yesterday.

It is easy to slip into the self punishing thoughts of “I am not good at committing to myself or my goals” and whatever comes up.

The truth was I didn’t prioritize my activities yesterday so I went off track but I am back on again today.


Clarity inspires opportunities

Yesterday was an amazing day. Well in my eyes was amazing. There was a project planning meeting that was long overdue and went really well. It was great as everyone was on the same page as to the vision of the project and understanding what the limitations were. Everyone was also in agreement in how we need to tackle the limitations so we can achieve our vision. {It was kind of like a success strategy session but for the group}.

As we shifted the energy, became clear on our vision and how we are going to get there, a beautiful opportunity arose from this space that we created with this clarity.

This morning, yes things can manifest that quickly when there is space for them to come in, the project was given an opportunity to be highlighted on a large platform – maybe a provincial level:). Yes, wow! this is huge for this project and an amazing reminder of how moving through blocks creates a space where opportunities and miracles can occur. The energy behind clarity of vision and a clear action plan, really has a lot of momentum to it.

Where is it that you need clarity and a clear action plan?

What is your purpose? What does God want you to do?

We all have a purpose here on earth. The purpose differs for each person.

It is so important to know what your purpose is so that you can live a fulfilled life, one that you feel so happy about and one that allows you to have excitement to wake up to each day.

If God spoke to you, what would he/she say?

