How to Create your Own Work Abroad Opportunities: Expanding personal perspectives while gaining invaluable work experience overseas.

How to Create your Own Work Abroad Opportunities: Expanding personal perspectives while gaining invaluable work experience overseas.

We live in a world where we can connect to literally every corner of the planet. Sure, there may be some disconnect with remote Antarctica, deep in the jungles of Africa or the Amazon, but we’re pretty well connected worldwide. In 2015, the International Telecommunication Union reported approximately 3.2 billion people online. Of that population approximately 2 billion from from developing countries.

This level of connectivity truly makes the globe seem a lot smaller and a lot more accessible to us.  Further, with this ability to link and build relationships virtually, every individual also has the power to contribute and make a global impact— not just online but through work abroad opportunities.

Why Would Someone Want to Work Abroad?

I’m going to share my story so you can get a bit of insight as to why I’m personally such a huge proponent of overseas work experience.

In 2009, I volunteered in Botswana as an HR advisor for an NGO. During those three weeks, I experienced a profound shift in perspective on the AIDS situation in the world, how big the world really is, and how relatively small my own little world was back home in Vancouver. That trip changed everything.

I met people from around the world, and I lost so many preconceived ideas about people who are living with HIV. I was in a country where one in three people is impacted by the disease, and I never knew who was HIV positive, and who wasn’t. It really reinforced the fact that at the end of the day, people are defined by who they are at their core, rather than the labels we affix to them.

People are individuals.

That was my first experience working abroad, and it allowed me to realize just how much travelling can broaden our perspectives. It opens both our eyes and our minds to what else is out there, and also made me realize how important it is to create these opportunities for ourselves: so we can learn and grow while also being forces for positive change in the global community.


After my trip to Botswana, I went to India as a volunteer at an orphanage for children whose parents were imprisoned, and that turned into a paid contract. Amazingly, I made this opportunity for myself simply by contacting the orphanage and letting them know that I wanted to volunteer with them. Once I was there, I helped them fundraise for their nonprofit marketing initiatives, and the results were so successful that they kept me on in a paid role. The work I did there had a profound impact on the children’s lives: the kids at the orphanage were either waiting for their parents to get out of jail, or else they were orphaned because their parents had died while imprisoned. They needed money for food and to go to school, otherwise they would have ended up on the streets. This was good work that benefited so many, and all it took to put this positive change into action was a simple phone call.

After my time in India, I kept manifesting that I wanted to work internationally, and managed to network and connect with a number of people who did international work. They helped me to secure volunteer positions with nonprofit organizations, and that was a stepping stone to paid international positions.

Volunteering abroad is an idea way to dip your toes into the work-abroad experience, and are often easier to secure VISAs for. There are many different programs that allow people to volunteer abroad for global experience, but there are also ways to work around various VISA requirements. As an example, depending on how long a country allows visitors to stay, you can go “on vacation” for a month somewhere and work remotely for your company.

Conferences and Trade Mission

Networking to make connections is vital when it comes to volunteering, but another option is to take advantage of opportunities to go on trade missions. If the company you’re working for provides chances to attend different conferences, you have the ability to network with others at those conferences, and to also glean firsthand awareness of what may be possible within that country.

This is especially relevant if you’re in business, since trade missions allow you to grow your business with federal and provincial/state government assistance. It’s desirable for people to export to other countries, so these government bodies can provide funding and resources to help you grow your presence elsewhere, and establish good supplier/customer connections. To look into this further, take some time and delve into resources for small businesses, especially those that focus on women’s initiatives.

Whichever route you choose to take, there are numerous opportunities to gain you invaluable experience working in countries you’ve always wished to visit. Your presence there can have a monumental impact on our global community plus you’ll leave with broadened perspectives and spectacular memories.

I invite you to a complimentary coaching consultation on how to develop your international opportunity. Please book your time here

Who’s Permission are you waiting for?

Who’s Permission are you waiting for?

It isn’t like you are 5 years old and you are looking for parental or other adult permission. I get that. You are an adult where you are living on your own terms, in your own way and doing what you want to do. Deep down many of us are still seeking for the nod or the approval from someone (be it your parents or partner or even yourself) to acknowledge your success and yourself.

Permission – is the allowance that is given to someone so they can take action or act a certain way. In many cultures the permission to do things came from the masculine and the permission to act a certain way came from the feminine. Traditionally, men were the breadwinners and were outside the home and whereas the females were the ones who taught behaviour, manners and the emotional aspect.

Take a moment to reflect on your home life. What did your father teach you about what actions you could or could not take and what did your mother teach you about your behaviour?

They both may have taught you other things or crossed cultural norms for their roles,  but look at what their primary role was in your career. How did their opinion shape your career?

While reflecting, take a moment to highlight for yourself where do you need to stop waiting for permission?

If you are looking for a technique to use to literally unleash from this mindset so they can fully give themselves permission and acceptance… and that’s one of the major gifts of stepping into the Worthy Leader Mastermind.

If this is something you struggle with as well, come join us. We can help you overcome these obstacles and be empowered with your own choices—to give yourself all the permission you need, and be confident in your own worthiness.

If you haven’t check out the Worthy Leader Mastermind yet, here is the link to learn more and apply for one of the 3 spots remaining for the program. https://vezaglobal.com/worthy-leader-mastermind

veza Leaders To Watch: Meet Mani Gill

veza Leaders To Watch: Meet Mani Gill

At veza, we honour the work of inspiring leaders every single day. Not just the known and notable but rather, every day women who are drawing upon and celebrating their culture while making a lasting difference in their community using their gifts. From authors and teachers, CEOs to entrepreneurs, not-for-profit directors, artists, and more, these women are changing the face of leadership.

These are truly women to watch and veza community is so pleased to share their brilliance.

May their stories inspire YOU to rise.

Meet Mani Gill.

Mani Gill was born in Ludhiana, India but grew up in England and now lives in Surrey, BC. She has a BBA in Human Resources but found being self-employed a lot more interesting. Mani has over 11 years of experience working in the family business as a Mortgage Broker but has since pursued a career as a Real Estate Agent. The satisfaction of putting a client in the home of their dreams is an extraordinary feeling, and Mani loves to make the process easy and stress-free for her clients.

Working in the family business was great, but over time she felt like she wasn’t being challenged enough for her own growth. Working as a Real Estate Agent gave her the freedom to work hard and be challenged without the security of her family. It was a big step, but one that she’s glad she took. She currently works around Surrey, Langley & White rock areas.

Mani has always been passionate about real estate and is dedicated to helping others through the process of buying or selling a home. She takes time to continually upgrade her knowledge, training, and professional expertise and is up to date on current market trends. More importantly, she takes the time to listen carefully to her clients and to fully understand their wants and requirements.

In addition, she can call on the resources of her entire company and other professionals to assist in any situation that may be presented to her. Mani is dedicated to her clients, loves to work, and is willing to put in the time and effort to get her listings sold. She is committed to her clients’ success!

She has been a volunteer with the Canadian Cancer Society for 10 years, and will be starting “Laughter Yoga” in April: she feels that with the daily stress that everyone goes through, this would be a great place to release tension and have a good time.

So tell us, Mani:  What inspires you most? What motivates you to get up every morning?

For a few years, I got lost with life because at that time nothing was going the way I wanted it to. But now I realize that there was a reason behind that, which I just couldn’t see at that time. Knowing I have a few close friends and family members who believe in me even when I don’t believe in myself. I am blessed to have some really incredible people in my life who have taught me to live my life on my own terms. My dreams are my biggest motivator because I honestly believe that everyone has the capability to make their dreams come true.

How do you feel that your actions teach or inspire others?

I try to inspire others by showing them inner strength: by doing things that are out of their comfort zone. I didn’t do this myself for the longest time, but I eventually realized there is no growth in your comfort zone. The only way to grow is when you are uncomfortable.

What is one change you’d like to see in the world?

There are so many changes that I would like to see, but one that stands out the most to me is facing your fear instead of running away from it. Fear does not have to be a bad thing—it can be a driving force with which you can move forward.

Have faith in the path you have chosen, and believe in God. There is a bigger purpose for us all here, and it’s up to us to make it happen.

Which of your contributions to date have given you the greatest sense of pride?

My most proud moment up until now is not just one moment: it’s that every moment that I have made a decision for myself to empower myself. Those decisions have made me feel good about myself—inside and out.

Anything else you would like to add?

Please join me when I start up my Laughter Yoga sessions. I am so looking forward to it.

We hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know Mani! Learn more about her work and stay connected via Facebook under Mani Gill – Realtor

These everyday heroes embody the fact that we ALL do amazing things that other people may not know about, simply because these stories aren’t shared publicly.

At veza, our biggest mission is the change that…starting with our weekly #leadersofveza showcase!

If you know a leader we should feature please invite her to share her story with us here.  

My story and why I didn’t think I was worthy

My story and why I didn’t think I was worthy

I have been struggling this past week. I thought it had to do with the full moon where I felt so disconnected from my essence, my core and my true identity. All the things what veza means – someone who aligns to their truth. It was quite funny to me that all the things that my company stands for is what I felt the most disconnected within myself.

Currently I am at a personal development seminar, one of many that I have attended over the years and I couldn’t help and think to myself, why am I? Why am I doing another seminar and what am I really seeking?

Over the years, I have invested way more time and money into my own personal development than I would like to acknowledge and I realized that I had hit a tipping point about a year ago where I had enough. I was tired of feeling like I was not worthy. I was tired of feeling like there was something wrong with me and I was tired of other people seeing me as I felt like something was wrong with me when I had my breakthrough moments. I do analyze myself and am very self-aware but that does not mean there is something wrong with me. It just means that I am aware to my unconscious programming so I can do something about it.

So a year later as I am at this seminar, I think to myself what is it that I am seeking when I know it all lies within me. I realized it was the reminder of the connection to my essence that is what I was seeking. I was seeking the reminder of who I really am and how did I really get here.

I am the woman who survived a childhood auto immune disease.

I am the woman who survived the feelings of not feeling worthy of love, commitment and attention.

I am the woman who survived intense backpain where I didn’t walk straight for three years and used to crawl to the bathroom.

I am the woman who has lost friends in the process of my growth.

I am the woman who has attracted a community of individuals who are soul sisters and soul brothers.

I am the woman who went from unraveling from the grief of her brother to gaining a whole new set of brothers and sister in laws.

I am the women who survived five concussions even though I may get headaches on a regular basis and there are days where noise bothers me, I still am high functioning.

I am the woman who was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and know that I need to eat a certain way and exercise to keep inflammation down.

I am the woman who takes action, makes things I want happen.

I am the woman who took a volunteer role in Botswana, India and at an UN-affiliated agency in Netherlands.

I am the woman who published the story “Thriving while Grieving” in the “Time to Thrive” edition of Chicken Soup for the Soul.

I am the woman who is going to be leading the first trade missions for women entrepreneurs of cultural backgrounds, creating a space for them to expand their businesses globally.

I am the woman who worked through her low confidence, low self image, lack of respect for self, scarcity mindset, lack of worthiness and lack of deserving mindset to be who I am today.

I am the woman who knows there are other woman who now feel understood as someone went through what they went through.

I share this because I needed the women in the veza community to know they are not alone. They are enough. They are worthy of love, attention, respect and they are worthy of their dreams.

You, who is reading this, is worthy of everything you want. You are worthy of the love and connection you seek. You are worthy of commitment. You are worthy of the career you desire. You are worthy of having a global company. You are worthy of publishing that book. You are worthy of selling that painting. You are worthy of that promotion. You are worthy.

I call you to join me in the Worthy Leader Mastermind. 6 Months for you to step deeper into your sense of worthiness, deeper into your confidence, deeper into your spiritual journey and deeper into your awareness and impact more people and contribute at a level that you imagined.  


28 Leaders To Watch: Meet Manpreet Dhillon

28 Leaders To Watch: Meet Manpreet Dhillon

This February, all month long, we’re honouring the work of 28 inspiring leaders. Women who are drawing upon and celebrating their culture while making a lasting difference in their community using their gifts. From authors and teachers, CEOs to entrepreneurs, not-for-profit directors, artists, and more, these women are changing the face of leadership.

These are truly women to watch and veza community is so pleased to share their brilliance.

May their stories inspire YOU to rise.

Meet Manpreet Dhillon.

Manpreet is a Certified Personal and Business Coach, and a Certified Human Resources Professional with a Masters in Organizational Management. She brings over 15 years of leadership and community development expertise to the table and her experience spans program development and strategy implementation, Governance and Organizational Management, Small & Medium Business Consulting, and much more.

As sought-after consultant, coach and workshop facilitator, Manpreet has provided leadership, HR and diversity training and strategy for clients like the UN affiliate: Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, City of Vancouver, University of British Columbia, Blenz Coffee, 7-Eleven, and Terramera, as well as a host of tech and biotech companies, Canadian political parties, and non-profit organizations.

Founded to address the diversity gap and to foster inclusion around the boardroom table, Veza Community offers enriching personal and professional development opportunities. These opportunities train and mentor female leaders of various cultural backgrounds to speak up with confidence and contribute their unique vantage point and expertise to create positive change in the entrepreneurial, not-for-profit, government, and corporate sectors they serve.

So tell us, Manpreet:  What inspires you most? What motivates you to get up every morning?

Knowing the people I meet or connect with are doing their best, and that I can contribute to the lives of others by making them feel just a little more empowered. I choose to leave this world a better place than what it is now. A world where there is more love and connection than ever before. A world where people lift each other up and support each other to be better.

I have the opportunity to play a role in that.

How do you feel that your actions teach or inspire others?

I teach others to move through the mindset crap to realize we have a bigger purpose here. The gifts that we have are not for ourselves, but to share with the world. It is important to act as a leader, regardless of who you are and what your title is, as the brighter you shine as a leader, you give permission to others to shine as well.

What is one change you’d like to see in the world?

I would like child sexual abuse ended. There are individuals and families impacted by someone’s need to have power over another being. Through the work I do, I would like to empower individuals so they can empower others, therefore eliminating the need to take power from someone else.

Which of your contributions to date have given you the greatest sense of pride?

Having my story “Thriving while Grieving” published in the Chicken Soup for Soul: Time to Thrive edition. I know many people found solace in their grieving journey through that story.  

We hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know Manpreet! Learn more about her work and stay connected via her social media presence @vezacommunity

Ready to RISE as a leader in your own right?

Get your copy of veza community’s NEW Feminine Leadership Guide. It’s our gift to YOU.

Inside the Feminine Leadership Guide you’ll receive a series of activating journal prompts and action exercises to inspire your next steps on the journey to greater impact.

28 Leaders To Watch: Meet Sarbdeep Kaur (Parmar) Johal

28 Leaders To Watch: Meet Sarbdeep Kaur (Parmar) Johal

This February, all month long, we’re honouring the work of 28 inspiring leaders. Women who are drawing upon and celebrating their culture while making a lasting difference in their community using their gifts. From authors and teachers, CEOs to entrepreneurs, not-for-profit directors, artists, and more, these women are changing the face of leadership.

These are truly women to watch and veza community is so pleased to share their brilliance.

May their stories inspire YOU to rise.

Meet Sarbdeep Johal.

Sarbdeep is a teacher by profession. As she stepped into motherhood a few years ago, she was able to reflect deeply about her connection with the language she was first taught to speak by her own mother. The language was Punjabi, and that was how she was able to identify the author within herself: she has since published two Punjabi/English books under the B.B. Series (@Baanibooks).

Sarbdeep would say that she is a keener, a learner, and a risk taker. She believes in positive energy, feeling strongly that if you are able to dream, you can definitely bring that dream into reality through your faith, hard work, and self-confidence.

So tell us, Sarbdeep: What inspires you most? What motivates you to get up every morning?

The students I teach at school. I feel passionate about teaching them as well as learning from their experiences. It is an amazing feeling to see the world from a learner’s perspective, and this keeps me grounded as a teacher, and especially as a human being

How do you feel that your actions teach or inspire others?

I teach empathy and respect.

I feel having an understanding as humans, as learners or even as a teacher is most important aspect of my job. Always putting yourself into other person’s position and try to connect how they are feeling thus help them succeed in what they may be struggling with. I try to be positive and happy most of the time

What is one change you’d like to see in the world?

One change I would like to see would be more acceptance—more knowledge and respect for all humankind as one.

Which of your contributions to date have given you the greatest sense of pride?

My teaching career as well as the Punjabi English books I was able to publish last year under B.B.Series. Baanibooks.

We hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know Sarbdeep! Learn more about her work and stay connected via Facebook: B.B.Series, Instagram: @b.b.series , or on her Amazon author page: Sarbdeep Johal.

Ready to RISE as a leader in your own right?

Get your copy of veza community’s NEW Feminine Leadership Guide. It’s our gift to YOU.

Inside the Feminine Leadership Guide you’ll receive a series of activating journal prompts and action exercises to inspire your next steps on the journey to greater impact.

Get instant access to the veza Feminine Leadership Guide right here.
