
Gender Challenges in the workplace

I have a been a long time advocate for women in the workplace. In the last few years, it keeps being brought to my attention how men also need attention. Men have been supported and sponsored into career progression but they face a different set of challenges than women.

We know women face challenges in regards to:

  • negotiating salaries
  • feeling understood
  • confidence
  • feeling valued
  • being sponsored into promotions.

Research has shown that men face challenges in regards to:

  • Choosing work over family and the loss of personal relationships
  • Understanding how their gender is working against them
  • Managing stress
  • Feeling inadequate and unworthy when things aren’t going well career wise.

What are other challenges that you see that women and men face in the workplace?

*Free Call* 5 Key Ingredients to Em”Power”ment in Business

If I was to ask you how satisfied you are with where you are in your career or business, on a scale of 1-10, what would you answer?

Would you like to have more satisfaction out of your business life?

We do spend a good chunk of our lives in careers and business. I know I used to dream of the days where I would love to retire and not work.

Now I feel so satisfied with what I am doing in life, that dream has taken the form of how do  I continue to live a life aligned with my passions.

On this free call on May 29th 2012 at 5pm, I will give you the 5 key ingredients to Em”Power”ment in Business.

“See” you on the more em”Power”ed side!

Women Run the World

In celebration of International Women’s Day[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBmMU_iwe6U]

Beyonce has the right vision of how Women should run the world. Women are know to be in touch with their emotions which makes them exceptional leaders. Women have been leaders in different capacities around the world. I recently came across the Guide to Women Leaders http://www.guide2womenleaders.com/, which lists all women leaders in politics over time. This site was a blessing to see.

The fact that women are running the world in different ways, makes me feel proud to be a women. Recently I have been researching and reading about how throughout history women have always helped men lead empires and religions. The women were the silent leaders. They led through “advising” the men on what actions to take. As I was researching more on the history of the Taj Mahal (which is made in honor of a women), I came to learn that Mumtaz Mahal has been said to be the power behind Emperor Shah Jahan. The thought comes to mind, how many women have been truly in power but were hidden from the public eye?

It is wonderful to see that now women are coming to the forefront and claiming their place in society. the Forbes Most Powerful Women. This list is complete with women who are current leaders in business and politics. I was slightly disappointed that in the Forbes billionaire list have inherited the wealth (Wal-Mart, Loreal are in the top twenty – www.forbes.com). I would have loved to see women entrepreneurs and leaders to have been on this list on their own accord. I know that in time that is the direction we are heading in but it has taken centuries to arrive to even this place.

What are you doing in your life to contribute to women running the world? How are you supporting your passion to contribute to this movement?


Managing Energy

Every day we have 24 hours. In this time, each of us has our priorities as to what we want to achieve and how we achieve it.

We can make the decision to achieve our priorities with ease or do we decide to take a slightly tougher road. I know you are thinking, some things just come more difficult to me. Well as the outside voice, I will tell you that is your ego protecting you.

Yes the ego. The ego is our protector, our friend, the little voice that tells us that our heart is wrong. That is the ego. We essentially waste a lot of time because the ego. It is the part of us that is scared and paralyzed as a way to keep us safe and where we are.

Do you see how much energy it is taking fighting against yourself?

There is a way that you can be your own ally. Become friends with the ego, the protector, the little voice.

For some of you, this is a weird concept so let me explain.

Take a deep breath. Now another one and now one more.
How does your body feel? Are there any parts of your body tighter than others? Become aware of those parts. Breathe into them and ask yourself “What am I holding onto?” Then ask yourself “How do I bring myself into alignment?”

Now talk to your ego self. Tell them how you love them and cherish them. Thank them for taking care of you for so long. Let the ego mind know that you are releasing them of that duty so that they can play and enjoy themselves.

Notice your energy now. Feel recharged?
By bringing yourself into alignment, you manage your energy in a more abundant manner.

Now the question is….How can you use that abundant energy to live your life purpose?
