
The change in organizational culture brought about by the EDIB journey can be uncomfortable, difficult, and result in the creation of distinct groups based on beliefs, values, and experiences.

In these cases, it is crucial to bring together the team on organizational values, aligned ways of working, and commonly shared beliefs that impact the work of these individuals.

In our work with clients, much of our audit time is spent advising clients on approaching the change management and coaching them on difficult conversations and team dynamics. Some of our key lessons learned include:

  1. Understand what your team truly desires either through focus groups or surveys or 1:2:1s
  2. Understand what the resistance to change may be or will be and how to address it
  3. Identify champions within the organizations

 This is the start of managing organizational change.

Always, feel free to take Veza Global Inclusion Self Assessment Quiz as way to measure where your organization is on the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion maturity model.

