
In the past few weeks, I have been on the highest of highs. The last two months allowed me to really see how I can change the world! (Yes, I set lofty goals for myself like changing the world).

I am feeling good about myself, my contributions, how I am showing up and it was all wonderful!

Until the last big event finished, then I realized, I wasn’t feeling happy.

I was feeling tired, cranky and stressed.

I was puzzled as to what was missing.

Upon reflection, I realized I didn’t take care of my body as I hadn’t planned my meals or my workouts.

I also realized that the last two months, I worried about what’s next instead of having fun in the moment.

I missed out on a lot of fun.

Then I started calculating how much fun I missed out over the last few years.

I had a choice, I could be angry with myself or I could have compassion for myself.

I choose compassion.

I did what I thought was right at that moment each time. I also had fun in the way that I knew how. Now my definition of fun has changed.

Where do you need to choose compassion for yourself? Where has your definition of something changed that you haven’t realized yet?

My new definition of fun allows me to have fun in any moment where I have a smile on my face. My new definition of fun allows me to have fun when I feel connected. Before I could only have fun when I was laughing really loud and I was out and about. Those are strict rules to have fun.

What rules do you need to change for yourself?

Choose an area where you want to change your rules, make life easier to enjoy for yourself.

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