28 Leaders To Watch: Meet Jill Valentine

28 Leaders To Watch: Meet Jill Valentine

This February, all month long, we’re honouring the work of 28 inspiring leaders. Women who are drawing upon and celebrating their culture while making a lasting difference in their community using their gifts. From authors and teachers, CEOs to entrepreneurs, not-for-profit directors, artists, and more, these women are changing the face of leadership.

These are truly women to watch and veza community is so pleased to share their brilliance.

May their stories inspire YOU to rise.

Meet Jill Valentine.

Jill is the founder of UGO Travel for Change, which offers life-changing volunteer experiences, and Dare to be a Dandelion—an organization that uses life coaching and consultation to help volunteers, humanitarians, and social entrepreneurs harness their skills and passions to do good in the world.

She is an author, transformative travel coach, humanitarian entrepreneur, disability sport advocate, travel enthusiast, volunteerism specialist, and mother. Jill believes strongly in being of service to others, and she enjoys helping to enable others to find their way to be of service, and then connect them to service that inspire and fulfill them.

Prior to becoming a social entrepreneur, Jill poured her energy and passion into the nonprofit sector for over 20 years at organizations such as the Heart & Stroke Foundation, Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, and ParaSport Ontario amongst others.  As an avid humanitarian Jill has volunteered thousands of hours of her time for over 30 different organizations both locally and abroad, most passionately within the disability sport arena in East Africa. Currently Jill is a board member of the Toronto Accessible Sports Council, promotes volunteerism for Volunteer Toronto, and launched her book Dare to be a Dandelion as a fundraising tool in the fall of 2017.

Jill sees the immense benefits of volunteering abroad as a tool for personal and global change, and also strives to empower women and girls to step into their own power. She tries to be a role model in this whenever she can, especially as an example to her young daughter. Authentic community and connection are both extremely important to her, and she enjoys supporting others to succeed and find joy.

So tell us, Jill…

What inspires you most? What motivates you to get up every morning?

Knowing that the projects I am working on can make a real difference in the lives of others: both locally, and internationally.

How do you feel that your actions teach or inspire others?

How being of service can enrich and benefit the lives of those you serve, as well as yourself.

What is one change you’d like to see in the world?

I’d like to see more compassion, and resulting action being taken. I would like to see people helping and supporting each other more—both in our own community as well as those far away.

Which of your contributions to date have given you the greatest sense of pride?

 The year I spent in Uganda supporting the disability sport movement, which culminated in me organizing and facilitating the first national disability sport summit.   

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

I love this initiative!!!

We hope you’ve enjoyed getting to know Jill!

Learn more about her work and stay connected by following her on social media: @daredandelion and @UGOTravelforChange


Ready to RISE as a leader in your own right?

Get your copy of veza community’s NEW Feminine Leadership Guide. It’s our gift to YOU.

Inside the Feminine Leadership Guide you’ll receive a series of activating journal prompts and action exercises to inspire your next steps on the journey to greater impact.

The High Price of Indecision

We’ve all dealt with indecision at some point in our lives, especially in a work environment.

The trouble is, indecision comes with a really high price.

Being in limbo, without a clear decision to move forward keeps you stuck, unable to move forward… and yet, it can be really easy to wallow in a pool of decisions left unmade. 

So WHY is it so difficult to make decisions?

Because thinking for ourselves, and making decisions for ourselves is confronting.

It’s so much easier to allow others to make the rules and tell us what to do. Our cultural and family biases often program us to search for and cling to the approval we receive in following the rules. We’ get really used to following the “leader” and doing things correctly. Rarely are we rewarded for making independent decisions and paving our own path. Making independent decisions comes with the potential for embarrassment, failure or some form of punishment.

Religion is a perfect example of this: a lot of people look to other individuals (such as religious leaders) to make decisions for them, rather than making those decisions themselves. Being in a passive role like this may seem easier at first, but is actually quite detrimental to happiness and personal development if it keeps you from from moving forward with confidence.

How can you be happy and confident your actions if you’re never encouraged to choose what creates happiness for you?

That lack of self-assurance translates into your leadership. Specifically, it diminishes your ability to make confident decisions and of course, your colleagues or team members will feel it too. 

When you’re unable to make confident decisions on your own, it undermines and manifests low confidence in every aspect of your life, and other people will pick up on it as well.

People need decisiveness in their managers and business partners.

An assertive, decisive attitude shows that you have confidence in your abilities as well as your choices. It instantly amps up your credibility and trustworthiness.

Indecisiveness, on the other hand, detracts from your credibility, and limits your ability to attract the leadership and partnership opportunities you want most.

So where does indecision stem from?

One of the main contributing factors is analysis paralysis. This  happens when you overthink every aspect and consequence of every possible decision that can be made. It’s like a game of chess in which a player sees hundreds of moves ahead with any play they make, and as such, they have a very tough time making a move at all.

This kind of downward spiral won’t just affect you personally. It will also impact your business, your colleagues and your employees too.

When you spend so much time overthinking things, you waste a lot of time and often don’t come to any decision at all.  Your paralysis keeps everyone else stuck and frustrated in turn, and opportunities pass you and your organization by.

Solid analysis is important before making a choice so your decision is a well-informed one; however, at some point you have to stop analyzing and commit to some direction so you can move forward. At some point you have to cut off all the other options, make a choice and understand that this decision will lead you in the right direction, trusting that this will open up doors for you.

It’s also possible that the direction you choose won’t be the ideal one. You may have to course correct. 

What’s most important is that you take SOME action regardless of what it is.

At times you do have to just make a decision, put plans into action and allow momentum to inform you of what to do next.

So often we’re looking for clarity so that we can make a decision and yet it’s making the decision and that actually creates clarity.

In a situation like this, where you’ve made a decision but soon after it doesn’t feel like the “right” one for you, it’s really important to listen to those feelings and trust your gut instinct. If you can’t trust your own intuition you’ll want to turn to someone you do trust for guidance and reassurance, whether that’s your Guides, or an established Mentor or Life coach, or a your Mastermind partners.

This isn’t a time to ask colleagues or family members about their opinion.  They’re likely to offer biased advice instead of the objective, impartial feedback you’re after.  With colleagues, in particular, you also run the risk of undermining how they view and listen to you in future situations. Sometimes (with less supportive or understanding colleagues) asking for advice to course correct  previous decision can be seen as abdicating personal responsibility or displaying lack of self confidence. These aren’t traits you want to cultivate when in a position of leadership so it’s best to play it safe by asking for advice in a very safe space.

Avoiding this predicament is one of the reasons it’s so crucial to have a coach or mentor to turn to. They can provide a great sounding board for you to work through your decisions while allowing you the space to justify your actions to yourself without judgment or potential backlash. They’re just there to listen.

More importantly, working through your decisions or the consequences that follow with a mentor or coach is like a practice run that makes it easier for you to  justify decision to others when needed.

Finally, when it comes to indecision, the most important thing to keep in mind is that every single decisions is an opportunity to learn and grow. Decisions can always be reversed or course corrected along the way if needed: nothing is really set in stone.

Should you find that you’ve made the “wrong” decision in a given situation, be gentle and compassionate with yourself. Forgive yourself, and then move towards the direction that feels more aligned.  

Remember that once you’re in motion, it’s easy to change direction: it’s taking the first step forward that’s the most difficult.

It’s the Veza 2018 Goal Setting Intention Guide.

This is a special workbook I’ve created for our community (for free) to help you review your year and set intentional goals for the year to come. The first section is all about capturing this year’s accomplishments so I highly recommend downloading it if you’re wanting to talk new salary (or new role) in 2018.

 Download your copy of the Veza 2018 Goal Setting Intention Guide here

p.s. After you grab your copy be sure to join us over in our  private Facebook Community  where we’ll be completing the workbook together and masterminding to create a game plan to magnetize your dream career (with the salary to match) in 2018.

The Number ONE Leadership Skill Most Women Ignore

Many women have been taught to believe that only by behaving in a masculine manner, mirroring the behavior of the men in power around them, can they move up the ranks in leadership roles. We’re told that it’s a man’s world, and only by emulating their postures, their mannerisms, their speech patterns, can we be respected and valued in positions of power and rank.

Once women attain these ranks, however, negative responses such as double standards and name-calling set in. A woman may have attained her position by behaving like a man, but when she actually acts like her male counterparts, then she’s called a bitch. If she shows emotion, then she’s a weak little girl. As such, she can’t be trusted to negotiate with others because she might start to cry instead of standing her ground and radiating power.

We’ve grown so accustomed to the ruling patriarchy, to the masculine power that has ruled both nations and corporate boardroom tables, that we’ve been inundated by the idea that channeling said masculinity is the only way to achieve our workplace goals.

The truth, however, is quite the opposite.

Some of the strongest women in positions of corporate power are those who, instead of trying to forge a masculine path, have instead channeled their feminine power to achieve greatness.

There’s an incredible leadership skill that most women have repressed and been taught to ignore, but it’s that very skill that can be our greatest asset: our intuition.

Tapping Into The Feminine Power of Intuition

There is immense strength in women’s natural abilities, and drawing from innate feminine power can be the most important thing a woman does to attain success in her chosen career path.

Women are naturally intuitive, and a woman’s ability to both read nonverbal cues and empathically tune into other people’s emotions creates an incredible advantage when it comes to interpersonal relationships.

These are specialized skills that many men lack. By attempting to channel only masculine energy, women can sabotage their own goals instead of fast-tracking towards success.

Statistics have shown that when a woman is on a board—even just one woman—the revenues of a company will increase by 35 percent. This is because a woman can go into a negotiation room and find a compromise that works well for both parties. She can understand the values of either party, can work with them so that their positions benefit each other, and create a solution that would serve both parties equally.

Feminine intuition can also be used to visualize what kind of sales strategies above and beyond what have already been considered should be used to exceed projected revenues.

When a woman taps into her innate intuition, she can not only see the vision for the company itself, but uses that vision intuition to see which steps are needed to manifest it into reality.

She can see which types of strategic partnerships will work best for the company, and her natural strength in respecting others and negotiating for the greatest common good means that she can cultivate great rapport with everyone involved. This is ideal for long-term partnerships, as people prefer to work with those whom they trust—those who take the time to understand and respect them.

Many men are strong, powerful leaders, but they fall flat at the negotiation table. This is because many of them use aggression and strength instead of the far more effective feminine skills such as diplomacy, compromise, and negotiation. In a word: “intuition”.

Embrace Feminine Intuition and Energy in All Aspects of Life

Women often do themselves a massive disservice by channeling masculine energy instead of tapping into their feminine power.

This isn’t to say that masculine energy is at all negative, or should be avoided at all costs. Far from it. Male energy is incredibly powerful, but should merely be used when the right situations call for it, such as when focused action is required.

For example, a burst of masculine energy can help to kick-start the action needed when you need initiative to meet a specific goal. When you’re ambitious, and you have a set goal, that male energy can help to launch the initiative and set things in motion. It is active energy, rather than passive, and can be used to great effect to balance feminine power.

Think of the yin-yang symbol, and how true balance is achieved when either energy source has a small amount of the other integrated within it. Though we can, and should, draw the majority of our power from our feminine energy, we can also draw from the male energy that exists within us when we need it.

Many women who are in very powerful leadership roles know how to use small amounts of that masculine energy to help them achieve their goals, to make the difference they want to make in the world, but they also know that it’s their feminine energy that will help them to maintain said power.

It’s the feminine leadership qualities such as relationship building, and how to think strategically, that are immensely valued. They not only increase productivity, but encourage and inspire others, and help all involved to work as a dynamic team.

Home and Community Life, Mirrored in the Workplace

The same techniques that a woman uses to maintain balance and harmony in the home can be channeled into leadership in a workplace environment.

An ideal leader is one who recognizes their greatest abilities, and then delegates other tasks to those who are best suited to them. This also ensures that the leader gets the support they need, while also keeping others happy doing tasks that they can excel at.

Women also tend to be natural organizers, so they can harness their energy to create a schedule that all can adhere to, which ensures that team goals are met, and projects are completed on time.

Consider the intuition, relationship cultivation, and delegation that women may use with their children, in parent-teacher associations, in neighbourhood projects, and in spiritual community outreach programs. These are invaluable skills that most people take for granted or even dismiss, instead of acknowledging and celebrating as crucial when it comes to cultivating long-term, successful working relationships.

Assigning tasks several neighbors and organizing a calendar to ensure that a community project runs smoothly is really no different from delegating tasks to a team in a Fortune 500 company. It’s merely a different environment, or a larger scale, but the intuition, the skills, are exactly the same.

Women are born with these abilities, and it’s by acknowledging them, cultivating them, and celebrating them, that she can—and will—achieve her dreams.

When a woman taps into her feminine power, whether in her home life, her community, or in a corporate environment, she can truly move mountains.


If you’re ready to step into your feminine power to magnetize bigger leadership opportunities  for  2018, I have a special gift to send your way…

It’s the Veza 2018 Goal Setting Intention Guide.

This is a special workbook I’ve created for our community (for free) to help you review your year and set intentional goals for the year to come by tapping into your innate feminine leadership skills. I highly recommend downloading it!

Download your copy of the Veza 2018 Goal Setting Intention Guide here

p.s. After you grab your copy be sure to join us over in our private Facebook Community where we’ll be completing the workbook together and masterminding to create a game plan to magnetize your dream career in 2018.

What is coaching?

Coaching is understanding who we are, what we want from life and what we are willing to do to get it.

Many ask, well I can do that for myself why do I need a coach.

Of course you can do that for yourself. At the end of the day, you are accountable to yourself and only yourself. A coach supports you to be accountable to yourself by being there for check in, a sound board or helping you facilitate a situation in which a change in perspective might help.

I have worked with coaches over the last eight years for my own personal development. The coaches have provided me resources, pushed my limits to make me uncomfortable which created change, they helped me understand what was going on and how to see things from a different light and most of all they made me realize that life is easy and fun so I created my life to be that way.

I feel the need to end this post with a good quote – I have two
“An expert knows the subject very well. A model teaches by showing instead of just telling.” Thomas Leonard

“You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within himself.”
Galileo Galilei

I listened to my heart and this is what it told me

Confession time. My name means loves from the heart but I have been in my head for much of my life. It worked all this time but the last few years I realized every time I listed to my heart it was right. I really wished my head could be right but I kept struggling. I knew what to do but why wasn’t it working?

I didn’t have my heart in it. I wasn’t listening to what my heart had to say. I kept trying to ignore it because my head thought it knew what was right.

(cue swearing)

We live in a world where intelligence is valued so why do I have to listen to my heart?

That is not what life is supposed to be about.

Life is supposed to be easy. I made my plan. I do the right things and BAM I get the outcomes I want.

Nope, not the case.

God laughs at these plans sometimes, many times.

Argh, well now what.

Do I just have to surrender to what my heart says?

Yes, that is the case.

So now what?

I don’t know how to function.

I don’t know how to act.

What am I to do?

Breathe. Relax and Be.

I have realized and have evidence that your heart doesn’t lie.

Your heart will only tell you the truth.

It will guide you to the right place and the right time.

It may not make sense but it will lead you to happiness.

Listen to your heart right now. What does it say?

What does it want to tell you?

My heart told me that my business needs to be different. My community wants something different than I want to give it. I wanted the purely online as I love it. But my community wants in-person. They want to connect. They want to see other people. They want to learn from each other. I had to listen to my heart because I wanted to contribute to my community.

What is your heart telling you? What do you most need right now?

I had everything teed up for an online launch but I had to change it because my heart told me to. My head doesn’t like it one bit. My head can’t understand why I would move away from my plan. I know my heart is right. My heart knows best and my heart has never been wrong.

So I am doing it.

I am listening to my heart and merging my desires for what is best for my community.

The 6-week Elevate Your Lifestyle program will be online and in-person. So people can benefit from what works best with their heart. I know that sometimes the in-person will be one on one coaching which is a huge value but my heart wants to give that. I also know I wanted to have my friends in California in the program so I wanted the online. Now I have the best of both worlds. My heart is happy.

What does your heart want to tell you? What do you have to do to follow your heart?

I strongly suggest listening to it. It will make you happy.

Wishing you a happy and magical day.

