
I listened to my heart and this is what it told me

Confession time. My name means loves from the heart but I have been in my head for much of my life. It worked all this time but the last few years I realized every time I listed to my heart it was right. I really wished my head could be right but I kept struggling. I knew what to do but why wasn’t it working?

I didn’t have my heart in it. I wasn’t listening to what my heart had to say. I kept trying to ignore it because my head thought it knew what was right.

(cue swearing)

We live in a world where intelligence is valued so why do I have to listen to my heart?

That is not what life is supposed to be about.

Life is supposed to be easy. I made my plan. I do the right things and BAM I get the outcomes I want.

Nope, not the case.

God laughs at these plans sometimes, many times.

Argh, well now what.

Do I just have to surrender to what my heart says?

Yes, that is the case.

So now what?

I don’t know how to function.

I don’t know how to act.

What am I to do?

Breathe. Relax and Be.

I have realized and have evidence that your heart doesn’t lie.

Your heart will only tell you the truth.

It will guide you to the right place and the right time.

It may not make sense but it will lead you to happiness.

Listen to your heart right now. What does it say?

What does it want to tell you?

My heart told me that my business needs to be different. My community wants something different than I want to give it. I wanted the purely online as I love it. But my community wants in-person. They want to connect. They want to see other people. They want to learn from each other. I had to listen to my heart because I wanted to contribute to my community.

What is your heart telling you? What do you most need right now?

I had everything teed up for an online launch but I had to change it because my heart told me to. My head doesn’t like it one bit. My head can’t understand why I would move away from my plan. I know my heart is right. My heart knows best and my heart has never been wrong.

So I am doing it.

I am listening to my heart and merging my desires for what is best for my community.

The 6-week Elevate Your Lifestyle program will be online and in-person. So people can benefit from what works best with their heart. I know that sometimes the in-person will be one on one coaching which is a huge value but my heart wants to give that. I also know I wanted to have my friends in California in the program so I wanted the online. Now I have the best of both worlds. My heart is happy.

What does your heart want to tell you? What do you have to do to follow your heart?

I strongly suggest listening to it. It will make you happy.

Wishing you a happy and magical day.


Is it work when you are having fun?

Is it work when you are having fun?

What is it that you notice about this picture? There is lots of people and a little boy dancing as the obvious. What emotion do you see in the boy?

I am seeing alot of joy, passion and celebration. He is having fun.

As I was prepping for this Media launch of the Vancouver International Bhangra Celebration Society(VIBC) City of Bhangra festival 2012 (www.cityof bhangra.com), I realized I was having fun with my role in this organization. I have been with VIBC for the last 6 years in various roles from event coordinator to operations to festival production to grant writer to tresaurer to vice-chair. I have grown as a professional and personally from my experience with the organization. The best part is I am only with the organization because I have fun. I feel passion and joy and I meet like-minded individuals.

This is a volunteer role. I used to have a belief that I couldnt have fun and enjoy what I do because life is struggle and work. In the past year with my own business, I know there is space for fun, passion and joy while earning money.

How can you have more fun in your career? Are you having fun now or do you need a change?

Passion at Aswasa Bhavan Orphanage and School

My trip to India has really been showing me how someone living in passion moves mountains and changes lives.

Today’s trip was to Aswasa Bhavan Orphanage and School.

I was so fortunate to meet with the man and women behind the organization – Joseph Mathew and Aneena J. Mathew. Joseph had a story of awakening like some people do who live their life purpose. The realization of his life purpose came to him when the doctor’s told he was going to die. The one thing he did say was he wished there was an easier way he knew his life purpose instead of being on his deathbed. I chuckled to myself of that’s why coaches exist so people can find their life purpose in an easy way.

The couple had such a passion for helping the kids, whose parents were in jail. The government provides the names of the kids but does not provide funding. The couple has 45 kids who live in the orphanage while their parents serve life sentences (usually 12-14 years). The purpose of the organization is provide support so the children can get an education in order to have a better life. The couple has been helping kids through education for 25 years.

Last year they opened a school for the local children where no fees are collected. My friend and I met with 150 kids today who are learning the basics of education as well as life skills. The philosophy of the school is to have the kids be well-rounded so they can sustain their own lives.

I, personally connected with one of the boys who was three years old. We didn’t speak each other’s language but we bonded over laughing and making faces. I was told that later that he has been living at the orphanage for a few years and probably will never know his parents. It saddens me how each of us have a choice to make of what our live looks like but when we make a choice from our head instead of our heart, we may affect the lives of others.

I feel so uplifted and motivated to live my purpose. I am grateful that my awakening was smooth and the transition is easy. I wish that for everyone.


For more information about the orphanage and school please visit http://www.aswasabhavan.org/

Stones into Schools

Stones into Schools

I have just finished reading “Stones into Schools” by Greg Mortenson and it got me engaged on the topic of living our life’s purpose.

Greg Mortenson follows his calling and his life purpose’s of building schools in order to promote education as a way to bring peace and calm to the areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan. He purposely builds schools in remote areas that do not have that infrastructure.

Every time I am reminded that there are places without schools, it is astonishing to me. In my view it is a basic right that we have but I was reminded that yes this is the case. How I have taken education for granted. It got me thinking about what else I take care for granted? Unfortunately, I came up with a few things. I reminded myself to start working on my gratitude journal where I would list 3 things every day that I am grateful for.

Greg also realized he was taking a few things for granted and he decided to seize the opportunity. He felt compelled to work with the remote communities to support them in building infrastructure for their future generations.

It is always important to be aware of the opportunities presented to us and seize those opportunities. What do you feel that your calling is? How can you contribute to your community?

These are important questions that we all must ask ourselves in order to be truly fulfilled. 

Order of Canada and Passion

Order of Canada and Passion

The Order of Canada recipients received their medals today in a special ceremony honouring their “outstanding achievements, dedication to community and service to the nation.”

Here is the list of recipients and a short description of the reasons they received it  http://www.gg.ca/document.aspx?id=14175&lan=eng.

As I reviewed the list I was in an awe again of someone who has been the epitome of dedication to her passion. She has dedicated her life to her craft of ice hockey even after facing challenges and adversity, she persevered and risen to the occasion of bringing women’s hockey to a new international level.

I have met her a few times and each time it amazes me her humbleness and her drive to really make a difference by living her passion. Last year, I was excited to work on her Wickenheiser International Women’s Hockey Festival as the volunteer coordinator with an amazing team of individuals who are all living their passions. It was very motivating and heart-warming that people love what they do and are really good at it. While they are enjoying what they do, they laugh and really enjoy life to the fullest.

Each leader is always supported by a great team of individuals that support them. These individuals don’t always get the medals and the awards but without them, the leaders wouldn’t be able to achieve what they are set out to achieve.

I know that the key ingredient behind Hayley’s success with the Wickenheiser International Women’s Hockey Festival is Ceilidh Price. She deserves uber kudos for being the support and drive behind implementing Hayley’s dream of this hockey festival. Ceilidh works tirelessly with a smile as she is passionate about the dream. People like Ceilidh don’t get the Order of Canada but they will always get recognized and acknowledged in their own way.

It is important for each of us to know what role we play in society – are we a visionary, builder, maintainer or destroyer? As we recognize our role and work in our strengths we can reach goals and visions that seemed unsurmountable at times. What role do you play?
